My name is Billy George. I assume if your reading this you're fully aware of that fact. However, if you happened to stumble upon this blog by some mistake and you're wondering who the fuck Billy George is, I am him, and this is my space. I have stalled this project for far too long. I was concerned what I was going to write about. I am no longer concerned. I have chosen to write whatever I wish, and let this piece of work- if one could call this work- let it take its own form and shape. As I've said, some poor helpless republican could have stumbled upon this blog, thinking perhaps it's some sort of reflection on life, something rosy for grandma to read. I shall educate you to the contrary. Let me begin by telling you what I am, and then I shall tell you what I am not.
Things I am.
1. I am a queer. I identify as a gay male. This is important. If you don't like the gays I suggest you keep reading. Maybe one day you'll discover the gays don't like you either. If you do like the gays, I suggest you keep reading as well. Use it to educate those who don't.
2. I am a student. I studied Musical Theater for two years at the American Musical and Dramatic Academy, also known as AMDA. I now go to The New School for psychology. My reasons for switching majors is simple. I grew a soul. Now I'm not saying actors don't have souls, quite the contrary in fact. Actors are some of the most soulful people I know. My acquiring a soul simply lead my down another path. That fact brings me to this...
3. I am a volunteer. I work for a non-profit called New Alternatives. It is a case management firm for homeless and struggling LGBT youth. I shall write often of this wonderful place, so for now your consciences will be sparred.
4. I am an activist. I fight for causes. No one seems to care. So it goes.
5. I am a reader of books. Books taught me what teachers wish they could have taught me. Education is only a regurgitation of someone else's ideas. Most of those ideas are written in books. Books teach what man can't verbalize.
6. I am a Journalist. I write for Out in Jersey Magazine. I do fluff and features. I always push my deadlines. I do it for the cause. Journalism is the only means of showing the pain of the world anymore. Other people simply don't care to take the time to look. We put it on CNN or the front page of The New York Times when people least expect it. We are winning. People are being forced to care. :)
Now for the things I'm not...
1. I am not smart. I will never claim to be. Smart people made the atomic bomb. Smart people decided to succeed from the union. Focus on the family was founded by a smart man. I am proud I am not smart.
2. I am not clever. "So it goes" is a repeated phrase in a book by Kurt Vonnegut called Slaughterhouse-5. I stole every idea that I'm going to present. Nothing is original. The truth is that there is no such thing as a new idea. It's all been done and simply redone and redone. I'm okay admitting that, so few people are.
3. I am not attractive. I find myself exceptionally ordinary to look at. If other people have a different viewpoint about me, that's their business. I find other people so interesting to look at, that it amazes me how people waste such precious time examining me. Ordinary is good, because it's allowed me to slip under the radar and pick up all the things about life the beautiful people are too vain to see.
4. I am not special. I will write about people who are, but I myself am not. This distinction should be explicitly known to those who read this blog. It's not about me, even if it seems like it is. I only hope that the people in this world who are special include me as someone who's done less harm to the world.
Now you know what I am and what I am not. Let the chaos begin and welcome to my blog.
So it goes....