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Monday, July 11, 2011

Cat's Cradle


Sometimes shit happens. You can't plan for it, but it does. I was super hip to this whole blog thing, and then I got wrapped up in a crazy whirlwind of events that left me not only unable to post, but very, very sad. As I picked up the pieces of my life, and the pieces of those lives around me, I realized how much the human race can go through, and how hidden in lies and deceit reality really is.  "See the cat? See the cradle?" That's what life tries to do; show us string tricks and make us believe promises that are ultimately lies. Life seems to want to chew us up and spit us back out again. So what's the solution?

A. Say fuck your problems, and treat every day like it's your last.
B. Rage against the machine (pun intended) and fight the cosmic shit that comes your way.
C. Give up and be depressed
D. None of the above
E. A&B
F. Rip up the stupid fucking string that they use to make the cat's cradle!

The answer: Drum Roll please!!!! (Billy watches as an army of queers beat on snare drums)

The answer is E. A&B. In life, you must remember to live your life like you won't be here tomorrow. People get hit by busses, choke on food, get murdered, have strokes and much, much more. With how easy it is to die, people should remember to live there lives while they have one. Imagine if you knew that today was the last time you'd ever see your partner, mom, cat, etc. Wouldn't it change everything? Wouldn't you get down and tell them how much you love them; how much you care?

Why pretend? Why not grab that person, or people, and tell them how you feel? The answer is pride. To quote my favorite movie "Pulp Fiction," "That's pride fucking with you. Fuck pride! It only hurts, it never helps." So the first part of this dealing with life shit, is remembering to throw caution into the wind, live your life, and keep the people you love close.

Now, let's move on to part two. Now that you've told your pet beagle how you really feel, it's time to try and change some of the fucked up shit that causes life to be so shitty. You can make a difference. My advice, find a cause and fight for it. Everybody has a cause. What's yours? Anybody who knows me knows my cause is homeless LGBT youth. It's my way of giving back. I truly believe that if everybody had a cause and stuck with it, the level of bullshit life throws at us would decrease by tenfold. Imagine a world where little Timmy with no health insurance can get that heart transplant for free. Imagine a world where black people and white people can finally do what Dr. King wanted years ago, and hold hands. Imagine a world with less cars, more public transportation, and therefore less death at the hands of drunk drivers. If people did things too advocate, fight for, and otherwise support a single cause, these goals are not unrealistic. If the past few months have taught me anything, it's that not enough people in this world care. They're too wrapped up in the string of the cat's cradle. They believe the lies that the world is just fine, and this you're a good person, good things will happen to you. Perhaps, that's the greatest cat's cradle of them all.

Yet, I am not defeated. I am inspired. I'm inspired to change this world and finally show people what is really happening out there. In the words of the man this blog is based around, "No damn cat, no damn cradle!"

Upon my return, the 'cat's cradles' will be shown for the shams that they are. My loyal suckers, I mean readers, stay tuned to this blog. I promise you both cutting edge news, as well as fun and factual features.

Look forward too...

1. NYU students star a new queer youth website
2. A return of racism
3. A review of Mortal Kombat 2011
4. The fact's of my time away
5. Workout tips
6. More profiles
7. Sex, sex sex.
8. A cutting edge vampire article with photo shoot!

and much, much more. To conclude, this bitch is back. My only advice for dealing with life right now is take a deep breath, try and laugh and say...

So it goes...
"No damn cat! No damn cradle!"

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