Work in Progress

Work in Progress
Vampire Picture

Thursday, March 31, 2011

5 Most Evil U.S. Politicians


I know I just did a list based post, but with the amount of evil creeping along in our government, it seems fitting my next post should be a list of the worst of the worst U.S. Politicians. Here they are:

5. Gov. Dennis Daugaard
AP Photo
A woman's body has and always will be her domain. In this country we have given a woman the right to choose whether or not she wishes to have an abortion. The not so good Governor of South Dakota has passed a law that has instituted a three day waiting period, the longest period of any state in our country. If that's not bad enough, the law also states that the woman seeking an abortion must undergo a lecture about the evils of abortion, and other choices you might have. This unconstitutional, misogynistic, crazy law is already being challenged in court.

Read more about the bill here

4. State Sen. Jane Cunningham
The Tea Party makes me want to vomit. Miss Jane Cunningham wants to introduce a bill that would lower the legal working age to twelve. With more is an animated Panda.

Thanks NMA News. Like them on Facebook!

Read more of her evil here.

3. Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker
Worker unions have been destroyed by this man and his band of Republican lackeys. This country was made great by good, hard, working unions, and with this terrible defeat for them in Wisconsin we've taken another step back towards the Industrial Revolution.    

Read more about how the unions are fighting back here

2. Minnesota Congress Woman Rep. Michele Bachman 
Bachman gets the #2 spot for one reason, stupidity. Her blunders in the media are so foolish even Sarah Palin is putting pressure on her, and women like her, to shut up. "It Doesn't do any good to whine," said Palin. Here are a few of Bachman's blunders.

1. Said Lexington and Concord happened in New Hampshire
2, Said Swine flu first broke out under Dem. Jimmy Carter (It was Rep. Gerald Ford)
3. Said Global warming is, "Voodoo nonsense."

Bachman has stated her interest in a possible presidential run in 2012. Do we really want someone who is such a fucking retard that they don't know basic truths and realties? I mean come on, she's never even heard of Lady Gaga.

Read more about Bachman's Blunders here

1. Gov. of New York Andrew Cuomo
A new budget has been proposed by Gov. Cuomo that would cut funding to runaway and homeless youth shelters by $85 million. With the LGBT youth making up 40% of all New York Homeless youth, this puts kids on the streets instead of in beds. Worse than that, dissolving the services provided by shelters makes it harder for youth to move beyond the shelter system, and keeps the number of LGBT homeless youth growing. Thanks for letting children starve and die.  That's why Cuomo gets the #1 slot.

Helo stop this great injustice here.

So it goes...

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Editorial from my editor


If I told you a parent was abusing, starving and neglecting their children, you'd be up in arms to defend the before mentioned soul. That is exactly what the good Mayor Bloomberg of New York City has done to his children when he abolished all subsidized housing in New York in the name of budget cuts. Rather than ramble on, I'll let you guys read an editorial written by the editor of Out In Jersey Magazine and gay activist, Tobias Grace. 
I'm so sick I feel like purging. Thanks Bloomberg. you're a real gold platted son of a bitch!

So it goes...

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Top 10 rules for the customer!

Hello Suckers!


My colleages and I constantly lament about the rudeness and incompetence of our shoppers. I'm writing this for both my co-workers and for consumers in general. I can't tell you where I work, but my field is books. And we want to share that the secret to a pleasant experience lies with you, the shopper.

1. Come Prepared

These are books.
This is Rule #1 for a good reason. If I had a nickel for every time a person came into the store with no information on what they were requesting, I'd be a millionaire. Here is a typical request.

Customer: Do you have that book?
Me: Which book?
Customer: That book written by that guy?
Me: Which guy?
Customer: You know the one. It was on "Oprah" yesterday.
Me: What's it about?
Customer: Ugh, about a guy who goes on an adventure.
Me: Is it a fantasy book?
Customer: No. Come on. Why don't you know what this book is?

The answer I'd love to say is: Because YOU don't fucking know what the book is!!!

What I actually say is: Sir/M'aam, I need more information to help you.

The secret is this: When you see a product you like on "Oprah," reviewed online, or on a billboard, write the information down. Find a pen. Use your smart phone. If there's no way to write it down, try picking out a key word and doing the research when you get home. Your goal is to walk in our store, ask for the product, receive it, and get on with your life.

Here is my dream exchange:

Customer: Hello, do you have A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens in hardcover?
Me: Yes, Sir/Maam. Would you like me to get it for you?
Customer: No, just tell me the section, and I'll go grab it.
Me: Fiction, third aisle on your left.
Customer: Thank you.

2. Try to Find Something Yourself

I'm often positioned  near the front of the store. As a result, I get asked the most questions. And most people don't follow Rule #1. It's really hard to locate books, especially when you aren't given enough information. So if you see the sales rep is bogged down with other customers, try doing us all a favor and look for the book yourself.
This is a sign.

Often the time you waste waiting for a sales rep is more than enough time to find the bathroom on your own. Most major retail outlets have signs saying where things are. This doesn't just apply to book stores. It applies to any store. If you look, you can easily locate where the sweaters are, or where they sell stereos. Not taking up the valuable time of a busy sales rep can help you get what you need faster.

3. Don't be an Asshole!

You'd think I wouldn't have to list this rule. Not being an asshole should be common knowledge. However, every single day we get assholes. There are various reasons why:

1. We don't have what their looking for.
 This is an Asshole!
2. The line for the register is long. 
3. We ask them to stop a certain behavior.
4. We ask them to leave.
5. We can't give them a particular discount due to an external factor.
6. They had a bad day.
7. They are just mean people.

Remember, the sales rep has been at the store all day, and has dealt with hundreds of people, most of them slightly unpleasant. Try being the nice person who treats the sales rep with respect. Trust me, you will be remembered in a positive way.  One nice person can be the redeeming factor in an otherwise wretched day. If the sales rep doesn't have the product you seek, realize its not their fault. This brings us to rule number four.

4. Call Ahead

If you are looking for an iPad 2, it never hurts to call the Apple Store and ask, "Hey are you going to have the ipad 2 in stock around 8pm tonight?" 

This is a phone. Use it!
The sales rep. will usually be able to tell you "yes" or "no" and save you the trouble of coming down to the apple store only for them to be sold out. It takes two minutes to call, it takes an hour or more to go down to the store. Depending on the establishment, sometimes you can get the item held for you. Other shops will help you track the item down at a sister store, tell you where to go, or even order it for you. Calling ahead can save you and the sales rep's tempers. 

5. Be Carful Hitting On Sales Reps

I have a friend that we'll call Hannah. She has very long curly hair that often gets her in trouble. She is constantly harassed by men who are trying to pick her up while she's working. Here's a day at work for our poor Hannah:

Pig: Hey there.
Hannah: Hello, may I help you find something?
Pig: Yeah, you can help me find your number.
Hannah: No thank you.
A pig looks like this.
Pig: I really love your hair.
Hannah: I'm cutting it soon.
Pig: Why? It's so beautiful.
Hannah: So creeps like you will leave me alone!

People have to realize that when employees are working they're busy. Doing a sales job is hard enough without someone trying to get your number. It's annoying, and more than that it's rude. Now who am I to say love can't be found in Macy's or Dillard's? If friendly conversation between an employee naturally turns into flirting then so be it. 

Pigs also look like this.
However, you need to be discreet and friendly, not pompous and obnoxious. If the sales rep doesn't seem interested then move on. You're wasting their time and your own.  After all, they have a job to do!

6. Pay Attention at the Register

A transaction is an exchange. It's two people trading resources. You give the cashier money, the cashier gives you goods or services. It's very rude when someone comes up on their iphone playing frogger, while a human being is standing there servicing you. However, the worst is when someone is talking on the phone. Try putting down the phone, saying "hello" and "thank you." 

Just like Rule #3, the person who talks to the cashier is that person's saving grace. The only thing that breaks up the repetition of ringing is the conversation they can have with a stranger.  Also, people who don't pay attention run the risk of being ripped off. If you're so busy that you don't count your change, what's to stop the cashier from handing you a one instead of a twenty? What will stop the cashier from writing down your card number and using it later? Paying attention at the register means a pleasant experience for the cashier, and a safer experience for you.
This is a human being, not a machine. 

7. Take Direction

Realize that the sales rep probably knows more about what you're looking for then you do. Another typical customer exchange.

Customer: Do you know where A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens is?
Me: Yes Ma'am, fiction third aisle on your left.
Customer: Thank you. (rolls eyes and goes to the right)

Don't ask me why people do this, but they do. They also challenge our knowledge of the inventory.

Customer: Do you have the first one in the series? (Stands holding a copy of Jane Eyre)
Me: Ma'am, Jane Eyre isn't part of a series. 
Customer: Yes it is. The first one is Pride and Prejudice.
Me: Ma'am, Pride and Prejudice was written by Jane Austin.
Customer: No, if you'll look. (She turns over Jane Eyre and shows that this particular edition was released alongside Wuthering Heights, Pride and Prejudice, Sense and Sensibility, and Romeo and Juliet.
Me: Ma'am, you do know that these all have different authors?  
Customer: No, the don't! You're so dumb.
This is a stupid bitch. She thinks she knows everything. I hate her!

The pain of my life is that the above exchange ACTUALLY happened! Granted, this girl was extra stupid, but the idea remains a constant theme. Do yourself a favor and respect the expert. It will make your life easier.

8. It's Not our Fault

I touched on this earlier. Sometimes, stores run out of things. Holiday rushes, unexpected demand, and other factors well beyond the control of the sales reps will affect supply. If you forget Rule #4, and we don't have the item or service you want, be kind to us. 

This is us. We're sorry.

The lowly cashier or sales rep doesn't do the ordering, so don't take out your frustration on them. Doing this is pointless and just pisses off the staff. How about simply seeing if maybe another store has the item? My point is that stuff happens in retail, and as a good customer you need to know that. Being a good sport one time can get you special treatment the next time.

9. We're Not a Trash Can

Don't come in off the street to throw away your trash. It's ungodly rude, and violates Rule #3 instantly. This is New York. There is a garbage can on every street. When you come into a place of business, don't buy anything and simply dump your garbage you send a negative message. How about, come in, buy something, and then maybe our trash can on the way out? If you're going to drop your shit, at least don't ask a sales rep where a garbage can is. 
Use NYC Garbage cans!

Their answer will be, "The street!" 

You're not special. This brings me to Rule #10.

10. You're not special
He thinks he's special. His mom told him he was.

You're mom lied. You're average like the rest of us. A lot of people walk in stores and business like they own the place. The break Rules #1-9 on the basis that they are too good to play by the. Well here's some advice from those of us in retail; if you come into our establishment, be rude to us, abuse us, and treat us and our place of work poorly we will hate you! 

Don't think you're better than us because we work in customer service. Remember we're all human beings and we all have feelings. The customer is NOT always right, and admitting that is the first step towards a happy customer service experience.

In Conclusion

I'm not saying there isn't bad customer service.  When dealing with bad service, remember these 10 rules and you're experience can be greatly improved. If the staff of a business is truly incompetent, remember Rule #3 and calmly ask for a manager's assistance. Improving customer service on one end can greatly affect the type of service you receive. Karma is kind of funny that way.

So it goes....


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Awards


The lights are bright, the food is delicious and savory, and the drinks are made to perfection. This should make you think that you're sitting at a club or a cocktail party, but in fact you're at the International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission Awards. You may be asking, what on earth is IGLHRC, and the answer is that it's an organization that “works to improve the lives of those who experience discrimination and abuse because of their sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, and to achieve a world with human rights for everyone, everywhere.” The above was taken directly from IGLHRC public relations, and it does a good job of explaining the complex role this organization plays in international LGBT human rights.

On March 7th, IGLHRC held “A Celebration Of Courage.” This award ceremony was presented to honor those who've done outstanding work, either as an individual or a group, to improve the conditions of LGBT people on a global scale. Hosted by master performer of stage and screen Alan Cumming, the evening got off to a humorous start. A slight problem with the sound system was played off by the talented Cumming with the joke, “That's what we get for being gay in a church.” This humor was met by chuckles from the audience.

Cumming's warm opening was followed by a introduction from MSNBC talk show host and political expert, Rachel Maddow. Although Maddow could not be there in person, she took the time from her busy schedule to prerecord an introduction for one of the award's honored guests. Journalist, author and activist Jeff Sharlet received the 2011 Outspoken Award for his work in exposing the connection between the right wing religious group The Family, and the, “kill the gays bill” in Uganda. Called this by Maddow, the title is an appropriate one. For those who aren’t familiar with the bill, a man named David Bahati introduced this horror into the Uganda government that would make the punishment for homosexuality life in prison or death. Jeff Sharlet worked to expose Bahati's connection to the American religious group. The Family, a group that is also involved in Republican sex scandals according to Maddow, sent missionaries who helped to build up homophobia in Uganda.

“Even the most homophobic, right wing politicians have condemned the bill,” said Sharlet. “David Bahati actually said to me, 'why should I trust you? You probably work for Rachel Maddow, and are trying to expose me.'” The truth of course is that is exactly what Sharlet was doing. Sharlet is an easy going, sweet natured man, who looks utterly harmless and kind. It's easy to believe this organization would let him so easily into their clutches. Sharlet doesn't hold America responsible if the bill passes, but he says that The Family, “put the gun on the table.” "Tanzania, Zambia and Kenya have all asked for copies of the bill," Sharlet warned. "The way Uganda goes, all those countries could go."

After a touching speech by Sharlet, a documentary depicting the ongoing struggle in Uganda was shown, with the expected outcome if the bill passes being genocide. After the documentary, the next award was presented. The Felipa de Souza Award was given to the LGBT Centre of Mongolia. A shocking and horrifying short film was shown depicting the lives of LGBT Mongolians. Scenes of LGBT people being beaten by men waring NAZI Swastikas were shown, and the confessions of a Mongolian trans woman about the atrocities she's faced were enough to soften and emotionalize the audience. After the short film, the award was presented to the centre and was accepted by two of it's leaders, Anaraa Nyamdorj and Munkhzaya Nergui. “As LGBT we live in a dire and perilous Mongolia,” said Nyamdorj. “The rise of poverty has inspired certain groups to enforce what the think are the traditional values of Mongolia. This is a mistake. Mongolia has always been a beautiful, open place. We strive towards returning Mongolia to it's accepting values.”

After a few closing statements by Cary Johnson, IGLHRC's executive director, an internship for LGBT future leaders was introduced. Named for LGBT activist Paula Ettelbrick, the internship promises to train new LGBT leaders, and promote the next generation of activism. Alan Cumming closed the show. “It was very inspiring,” Cumming said. “The thing I learned is how abstract our fight here can be, and to understand what we're really fighting for, the right to live.”

That my beloved readers is what it's all about, the right to live. These champions deserve their honor, and their awards far more than movie stars deserve Oscars. These are real champions doing real things for change. The fate of Uganda and Mongolia is uncertain, but with champions like Jeff Sharlet and the Mongolian LGBT Centre, life has a much higher chance of persevering.

So it goes.

Anaraa Nyamdorj, Alan Cumming, Munkhzaya Nergui

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Post Racial Society

The above title is a bad joke. A post racial society is real as hobgoblins, fairies, and world peace. I used to believe in a post racial society. A person changed my mind. I was on the NJ Transit a while back, full of my ignorance. I was reading a book. It was called Breakfast of Champions. It was written by a looney guy. I love him...

As I said, I was on the train reading my book, when a complicated and offensive scene played out in front of me. An African American woman, or black depending on what she would refer to herself as - I don't like to push labels, was sitting on the train with a few bags and her coat. She was reading too. I was sitting diagonally behind her. Then a guy came on the train. He was Caucasian, or white depending on what he would prefer to be called. He sat next to the woman, whom we'll call Maggie. Maggie was reading. I was reading, and Dirt Bag - the white guy - began to notice the title of Maggie's book. It was Decoded. It was written by a guy who wouldn't like it if you called him a looney. His name is Jay Z.

Then dirt bag opened his mouth. Sounds came out that people who speak English would interpret as this;

"Jay Z is a bad influence. He grabbed that mike from Taylor Swift. He's a fucking N***er!"

I bleeped that word. It's bad. I really dislike it. However, just so we're all on the same page, n***er is a term for a human being who is black. It is a mean thing to say. It is like saying F***ot! That is a term for a male homosexual. Also, it should be noted that it was Kanye West who grabbed the mike from Taylor Swift, not Jay Z. All I could say at the audacity of that statement was, "Holy, shit!" Maggie responded by calling Dirt bag a, "cracker."

He didn't like this very much. He began to spew many ugly things about Maggie because her ancestors were from Africa. Maggie began to get afraid of Dirt bag, and I won't lie, I was worried for Maggie too. I stayed seated. I would get up, but not yet.

"Leave me alone Mother Fucker," Maggie said. "I just wanna read my book. Get your dumb racist ass away from me!"

Dirt Bag called Maggie a "N***er!" He also told her that her people were second class citizens and he enjoyed watching them clean toilets, along with the Puerto Ricans. He also screamed he was going to kill her.

I stood up. I didn't say anything because I was scarred. I put my body between Maggie and Dirt Bag. He didn't like that very much.

"Get out of my way," he said. I remained mute. Maggie looked terrified. Dirt Bag was screaming. "Move now or I'll kill you too, f***ot!"

I'm a bit fem. I come off as gay. I should have told you that earlier. I was also wearing a pink shirt. So it goes.

The train stops. We've made it to New York City. The doors open, and Dirt Bag begins to slowly walk away. He never took his crazy eyes off Maggie and me. He left. Maggie and I walked each other to the subway. She said, "thank you. I like gay people."

I said,"Thank you, I like everybody except Dirt Bags."

My story is hauntingly true. Maggie was real. Dirt Bag was real. My shirt was really pink. It teaches us a lesson. People are really racist. Lets point out all the racist things that happened.

1. Dirt Bag refereed to Jay Z as a N***er.
2. Maggie called Dirt Bag a cracker.
3. Dirt Bag talked about Maggie's ancestors coming from Africa.
4. Maggie called Dirt Bag a racist like she wasn't.
5. Dirt bag called Maggie a N***er.
6. Dirt Bag said Maggie's people were second class citizens.
7. Dirt bag talked about people from Puerto Rico negatively.
8. Dirt Bag called me a f***ot. (I consider this racist. Some people don't. They can choke on bleach)
9. Maggie told me she liked gay people.
10. I liked everybody but Dirt Bags.

A study came out where white guys, latin guys, and black guys had the exact same resumes. They all applied for the same job. The names were things like, Henry Smith, Darnell Jackson, and Mario Sanchez. According to the person who told me about the study, the white name got the interview every time. So it goes.

Scenes like this play out every day in New York, and I'm sure they play out in the rest of the world too. It hurts my ears when I hear white, privileged men in suits say on T.V. that we've moved past racism. We haven't. The divides are stronger than ever, with everybody holding some kind of prejudice. Even I do. I'm not proud of that. I strive to change and realize I will always fail. I met a man named Dan Daily. He had white hair and glasses. He was an actor. He told me something powerful.

He told me that, "there are tapes that play in our heads everyday were alive. The tapes are put in our brains by our parents, family, environment, religious beliefs, and peers. They are in there by the time were five. The rest of our lives is us learning to ignore the tapes. It's learning to look past our preconceived notions, and accept people for who they are. It is a constant issue to get past our individual tapes, and at the end of the day you will always struggle. You will also fail. The only conciliation is you never stop trying."

I like Dan Daily for this. He got it right.

I don't think this blog will change anything. I can only hope that the people who read this will cringe the next time a person says we live in a post racial society. I also hope people will accept that they have tapes, and will also strive to ignore them.  Will it work? Who knows?

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Rams who like to ram?? :p

This may be old news to some, but what I've found to be true amongst most humans is that old news to some is new news to everybody else. As I've said, I'm gay, and with that in mind here's a look at an interesting article I came across while strolling through the "TIME Magazine." It talks about homosexuality in sheep, and how a percentage of the rams only mate with the other rams. That kind of tid-bit is so interesting to me, a person who desperately wants homosexuality to be biological, so that, to quote my gay Uncle Phil, "It's not my fault!"

Here's the link: Yep, There Gay!

The only question I have is how do the sheep determine who's the top and the bottom? Is it horn size? Is one sheep the other's bottom bitch? Maybe.

 Maybe thats how gay sheep sex works.

So it goes...